The mine entry of Radergallery was reconstructed in spring 2009 by the club of "Siegerland Mining". The support and the edit entrance were designed according to typical examples of the 19th century construction style, just like other projects in the Eisernhardt area copy this style (Nachod mine, New Wheel of Fortune, Middle Wheel of Fortune, Old Wheel of Fortune). At the beginning of the gallery there is a German frame of oak, followed by wooden sheets at the side wall and the hanging wall. You cannot look into the gallery because of fallen mass at a length of 30m. The Radergallery is about 75m deep below the summit of Eisernhardt and is connected to several lode areas and mines. In 1885, an oxcart transported the last load of
ore from the pit to the foundry. On the way, right next to the gallery, there was a little mine building, you can see the remains of its foundation.

